JAMES SHAPIRO Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia UniversityĪLAN SILLITOE Acclaimed novelist for over 30 years and author of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, and his most recent book is The Broken Chariot NAGY college administrator, instructor, and freelance editor and writerĬATHERINE PETERS worked in publishing before teaching at Oxford University and is now a writer JEFFREY MEYERS Acclaimed biographer and Fellow of the Royal Society of LiteratureįERDINAND MOUNT author of The Subversive Family (1982), The British Constitution Now (1992) LAURENCE LERNER Author, critic and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature NINA KING one of the leading literary journalists in the USA and editor of Book World (Sunday Literary Supplement of the Washington Post) MARY GORDON best-selling novelist and Professor of English at Barnard College Bush would wake screaming in the night because of the - he burned Tokyo. JOSEPH EPSTEIN has written twelve books and is the editor of The Norton Book of Personal Essays Endless Frontier : Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century ( New. MICHAEL ELLIS former President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, he was previously an actor, stage manager and producer EISENSTEIN former Alice Freeman Palmer Professor of History and authority on print-culture at the University of Michigan Will all those who most need shelter for the night please stand Mary Waters called. MARGARET DRABBLE World-renowned Author and EditorĮLIZABETH L. GILL DAVIES Managing Director and Publisher The book entered The New York Times Fiction Best Seller list on February 4, 2018. This is the seventeenth book in the Special Agent Pendergast series. The book was released on January 16, 2018, by Grand Central Publishing. JOHN BAYLEY Leading critic, author of numerous books including 5 novels and former Fellow and Tutor at New College, Oxford City of Endless Night is a thriller novel by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. BACHELDER Poet, non-fiction author, concert pianist and teacher for over forty years ThatafternoonItookmynewfriendhome, hiddenundermyclothessothatmyfatherwouldn’t seeit.Itwasarainywinter,withdaysasgrayaslead, andIreadGreatExpectationsaboutninetimes.